Friday, November 12, 2010

Where's the Love?

I just saw the box score between the New York Knicks and the Minnesota Timberwolves - and this jumped right at me:

Yes. Kevin Love - the starting Power Forward for the T-Wolves - had a 30-30 night (31 points and 31 rebounds). That kind of a statistic has not happened for the past 28 years! The last person to accomplish the feat was Moses Malone (32 points and 38 rebounds). I consider the 30-30 record as rare as Kobe's 81 points against the Toronto Raptors four years ago. Man, Kevin Love is a beast!

Here is what Boston Celtics' guard Paul Pierce had to say about Love's performance:

Love has had his highs and even low points this week. During yesterday's historic game he made this gaffe:

Earlier, he had trouble making a simple handshake:

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