In case you didn't hear/see the latest Rodger Federer highlight, he had done the impossible once again in the US Open in New York yesterday. The opening round games were yesterday and continuing today, as I type - but Federer's feat last night cannot be beat - or did his 2009 shot of the year surpass it? Take a look:
2010 US Open - Opening Match
2009 US Open - Semifinals against #3 Novak Djokovic
I believe that the 2010 shot was more impressive (the run-down Fed had to make, as well as the difficulty of the shot, since the ball was near the wall), and that he was under more pressure to win before he had that hit in '09.
Better Shot?: The 2010 US Open Shot of the Year
What do you think? Which shot was better, in your opinion?
The 2010 for sure!